
1. Los Toros de Guisando

stark pulses thread dark skeins of stone
cold blood knits a secret life within them

rock carved by prehistoric hands
then slowly shaped by rain and snow

waves climb time’s beach
turn human beings into islands
then sweep them away
until only these stones remain

Fighting Bulls

The bravest destined to die head erect 
their horns’ crescent moon
burnished to silver by the wind
the tips sharpened to the electric 
blue of a razor blade

braveness in the stance
head and heart uplifted
eyes open watching
charging at shadows
this metatheatre of sun and shade
capa y espada life and death
killing machines fit only to be killed


flesh horn and bone carved out of granite
three thousand years or more of history
written in blood with the horn’s pointed pen

this silent stone bellows no challenge
yet the challenge is real enough
and how we respond tells us
who and what we are


casta: the braveness of the fighter
fighting the fighting bull
the cast dice that brought you here
that dressed you in your suit of evening light
en capilla waiting

for that dark red sunset of your daily death


And tomorrow is another day

with another load of bull!