

A boat abandoned on a pebbled shoal
its bird-wing boards battered and broken 
a cold shadow drawn up on the blitzed beach 

winter storms separate rock from rock
the coastline shrinks as sand banks grow
this rock is now an island cut off from the coast
joined to the land only when the tide like now is low

like sewing machines they say their beaks
moving up and down pricking picturesque patterns

what do they mean these words these messages
they leave behind them when they fly?

why are we waiting and what are we waiting for:
that short sharp gust of wind that will snatch our beauty
from our lips and blows us into oblivion
yet no man knoweth nor why nor where nor when ...

Is that what we are then, clouds and rippled shadows of clouds
shattering and shivering in life’s blue mirror

is this a sky breath wafted with the colours of sunrise
or is it the setting sun that flares so brightly

here on the beach there are no answers
only questions that echo round and round
waves blooming on the beach sea bees booming over the sands

we stare up at the sky with our carved wooden heads
our stone-grey concrete faces our ship-wrecked eyes 

while over us all with wide-stretched wings the shadow hangs