Paintings 8

Words bring beings into being

And strange are the beings that are brought into being. Some of these beings are actually able to Make my day!

Others are not so nice and gnaw discontentedly at the back of my mind. Here, for example, Mumbo and Jumbo offer the claw of friendship over a bone of contention. 

And thoughts can be unidentified flying objects, which circle over our heads and sometimes land, with or without a crash. Not everything is simple in the OVNI universe of ducks.

Arguments often occur among thoughts, and these arguments nay be bitter and long. In fact, they may be dry and academic as when Quid and Nunc discuss till they are blue in the face the number of angels dancing on two pins.

Meanwhile, thought and contemplation go hand in hand and here two beings contemplate the (p)odium they could never own.

Nothing is ever perfect. There are always complainers and detractors. look at these Ticky-Tacky ceiling worms as they look down at great beauty with considerable scorn.

At the Olympic games, we sing our national anthem with considerable pride; but we are always left with the agonizing question “Who stands on guard for me?” For there are enormous black holes at the centre of the (p)odium.

Leadership, we need leadership. Indeed we do: but where does it lead us? This is the empty quack of a leadership that doesn’t know where it’s going and can’t make up its mind.

Beware the Ides of March, indeed; or should that be the Ideas of March? There is nothing worse than fresh ideas to undermine a faltering leadership!

Where are we going and what are we going to do? Maybe only this man knows, and he’s not telling anyone.

What if he were to speak out? Well: that would be a “turnip” for the books!

And, at the end, when all is said and done, what is left to us? Nothing but colour and light.

And light and colour.

(To be continued ...)