book of hours
book of hours
Once upon a time
there were two suns in the sky
they burnt up the grass
the land was a desert
tochtli the rabbit
was caught by his legs
and thrown against
the second sun
he doused its fire
and it became the moon
old languages grow legs
and wander away
their myths are lost
the moon face
sings at dawn
in a blue-silver pond
the alarm clock shuffles
its pack of sleeping hours
claws click
needles knit
outwards towards
dawn’s bright
guillotine of light
a grindstone
a knife edge
against blunt stone
my red heart
thumps in its cage
of skin and bone
6:00 AM
church bells
old dreams vanish
light’s banquet
delivered by the sun
last night’s harsh words
black scars hacked
into the stucco
trenchant shadows
white washed walls
the handy man
tumble dries a tv ad
in the washing machine
of his song sparrow throat
7:00 AM
I boiled an egg
today I tap
with silver spoon
on the grateful grapefruit’s
golden skull
high in the church tower
a hammer blow
falls on an echoing anvil
the cracked bell
lurches into speech
now rooster crows
his thick rich
cocoa rico
naturaleza muerta
a still life on the tablecloth
squeezed juice
the orange’s yellow robe
spent and exhausted
wasted globe
its carcasse still sticky
its flesh still alive
the orange’s life blood
a sacrifice of thick
rich golden liquid
as fierce and sweet
as sunshine on a branch
hot chocolate
roasting coffee
baking bread
pan dulce tugging
at the heart strings
morning’s melodies
played across
a spotless cloth
coffee bubbles and spills
black gold mopped
from the table’s
white glacial snow
dark side
of a hollow
silver spoon
8:00 am
not today
phantoms from other worlds stared as I rushed
from place to place
the marimba’s dark chords
the urgent grind
of the street musician’s
the donkey walks
round and round
mashing the maguey
stark holes
opening to the soul
who chose me?
who sacrificed me
to this anonymous god?
a restless heart of fire
will I burn forever
broken ghosts
sat grey-faced
round the table
their achromatic skulls
pale across green beige
the aztec horoscope
life’s dark secret
drawn from a crystal ball
days undying
unforgotten stars
as bleak as the unknown
as white as winter snow
unmelted above
Ixticihuatl’s glow
now you suffer the solitary
confinement of the imprisoned heart
dark oubliette
Jack Straw castle
prison bar ribs
you sit in a silent room
you eat at an empty table
a jackdaw
drawn in by bright things
you gather glistening rings
childhood bubbles
burnt brown leaves
bearing the brunt
of this haunting song
9:00 AM
age old winter
the north wind
bristling black
crows over my roof
wind in their pinions
creak of uplifting
rowing tight
against cold air
last summer’s leaves
locked in ice
sun-warmed they outline
themselves against thin snow
I have forgotten
how to walk in the woods
how to watch leaves fall
this frail old man
at winter’s end
the strong sun
painting and wrinkling
his crab apple face
like a musician
he composes
his life
his tree bursts
back into bloom
limb by limb
at the entrance to paradise
solid sunshine
a fountain of youth
a gold and white tree
standing on guard
old man
for thee
a single sunbeam falls
in shattered fragments
from this high
rose window
arms akimbo
your shadow is a cross
across the cathedral’s
stone cold floor
light steps lightly
across pale lilies
patterned on marble
old man
when the stones
grow tongues
will they speak
the languages
in which you dream?
10:00 AM
in the roof garden
I see tropical birds
brightly feathered angels
the blackbird
burnishes my morning
twining his song
round the grapefruit’s
yellow sun
poised on a sunbeam
a tiny warrior fans my face
with coloured wings
my sad world
whistled away
even the lemon tree
leans over to listen
pearls of dew
the morning’s throat
quetzal feathers play
a chromatic scale
a rainbow’s harp
the hibiscus --
blood red stains
sharp in the sunlight
slow dance
ancient stars
the tianguitzli
pale in morning’s
magical glow
this flower’s gaudy eye
daubs your adobe wall
with a fresco of silence
misshapen pearls
in their prisons of shell
your world breaks down
tranquil words trapped
in hand-blown glass
– the flower you see
is not a flower
because you see it –
it’s a flower
because it sees you
11:00 AM
Baños de Oaxaca
my broken body
mending beneath
the healer’s hands
I lie on the marble
massage slab
hot springs
steam rising round me
a hint of relaxing herbs
water slopping over
veined stone
my flesh abandoned
released to cauterizing
currents of earth and air
a mystery swimming
golden river
joy mingled with grief
the azotea drifts
in and out
on a magic carpet
of floral clouds
you dream of sunlight
single and double petals
crimson and cream
gilding the pathways
guiding footsteps
one day
you will walk
the golden trail of the dead
through an open door
into an enchanted evening
outside in the street
stones warm
beneath the sun
rough beneath hard feet
the sun will shoot again
his bright arrows
tipped with flame
hearts and the azotea
sweetly pierced
a hummingbird hovers
a bird of paradise
opens his lazy eye
yellow with sunshine
12 :00
midday mass
the cathedral
a secret world
opening like an oyster
time without end
candle flames caressing
this snowy altar
a chill room of stone
warmed sometimes by song
wide open staring eyes
white owl
nailed to this wood
the world as I never
knew it
always about to be born
passive voiced
carefully matched
gender number case
bored auxiliaries
surrounded by participles
drawn from my ever changing past
breath thick on my tongue
my live wire mind
trapped in an endless circle
going nowhere
you are lost
you drift in silence
changing visions
you inhabit
your own version
of life as you know it
lashed to a pillar
you turn red blood
into purple wine
five hundred
years of taunts and mockery
your body blood
wine with blood
water with wine
1:00 PM
cupped hands
cannot embrace you
do you remember
when the earth
was without form
and darkness lay on
the face of the deep
you yearned then
to be released
flowing from the darkness
flowering into sunlight
arid land within my skull
the shrunken head pond
fields scorched and dry
the land’s parched throat
longing for liquid
water born free
yet everywhere in chains
this mirage of palm trees
green against burning sand
the hot sun dragging
its blood red tongue
across a powder blue sky
panting for water
I drag my tongue
like a great big thirsty dog
words and worlds
begin with light
dividing darkness
from darkness
then came water
male and female
borne and born
like daylight
the life sustaining
drains away
this baby thrown
from darkness into light
this sun riding
the sky’s blue
rocking horse
2:00 PM
in the zócalo
bright threads
interlaced castillos
scintillating cities
grecas floating on air
lighter than lightning
at night fires
flow freely down
church walls
a blazing fountain
in the afternoon sun
tiny figures
they walk on wool
their goldfish mouths
opening and closing
in the zócalo
three brujas:
one spins my yarn
one measures my cloth
wooden teeth
comb each thread
the unsubtle shuttle
always moving
strands of my life
woven and interwoven
back strap looms
and fixed wooden structures
one wields the scissors
she threatens to sever
my thin life thread
you can start with
a match’s glow-worm
when that small flame
flickers in the dark
you can breathe
fire into shavings
flame into dry bark
watch the new life
walk into fire
your shadow on the wall
a new star
rises to walk
3:00 pm
bag lady
her name
its letters
scratched one by one
on some roadside rock
last year I visited
her birthplace
but it was deserted
empty houses
ruined walls
sharp-horned cattle
stand watchful and wary
“let he who is without ...”
I fill my fists with stones
a cobbled path
blunt stones
to trip the weary
and unwary
one day
she will vanish
I will not even know
her name
barefoot over the cobbles
she strays through the gaps
in the cactus fence
is she a beast of burden?
what memories
does she carry packed
in her plastic bags?
who can read
between the stitches
of her seamless life?
on the path through
open fields at Dainzú
she throw stones
at scrawny cows
and slant eyed dogs
her husband walks
behind her
stoned on mescal
dust and shadows of dust
how can you understand these words?
so much sand
filtered and sifted
dry mouths
thirsty children
bearded agile ruminants
thriving on the grass roof
billies and nannies
with their basket
-weave ribs
scrawny cows
and slant eyed dogs
thin men with stone faces
high on mescal
4:00 pm
once upon a time
I planted
a mountain ash
but it wasn’t called that
I have forgotten
it’s other name
so many things
walk away from us
in dreams
the sapsucker family
point accusatory beaks
wet bark bleeding
bound now in sackcloth
their world
reduced to ashes
memories and
dreams of memories
does this stick really bend
when I immerse it in water?
can I really see
that which is
no longer there?
the rabbit
who inhabits the moon
he sits there
gnawing at the tree
beneath the tree
dark under worlds
in which this upper world
lies rooted
when the moon
shines bright
dead spirits
walk marigold paths
over night’s waters
the dream cat’s
round green eye
staries out of the window
it wills the world to end
in a cat and mouse game
within darkness
you never planted
that scarlet spark
that lone red squirrel
a stone of flint
sparking at your feeder
he turns
his back on the snow
sets it aglow
he silences wild birds
with his chitter chatter
he walks
the tight sky rope of the clothes line
ignoring the cat
will he ever fall off?
does he even
know who or what
you are?
5:00 PM
home thoughts
from abroad
an obsidian knife
slices my mind in two
snowflakes invade
my split personality
Petrarchan ice
layers fine films
a glacial fire
incarcerated birds
sing in my rib cage
their song
draws a thread
around my heart
and it soars
like a kite
a razor blade
slits my eyeball
in a s-l-o-w
slip and slide
they spin their wheels
in ice and snow
thoughts are lost
messages are hidden
a left-handed
surrealist scrawl
writes crude words
on the morning mirror
out at night with the dog
a teas freezes in my eye
then alls to the ground
it rebounds
then rises to the sky
now I am
an enormous sunflower
trapped in this wet clay
rag of a body
a star fell
down the chimney
the cat and the dog
stood up to deliver
their version of their
Christmas vision
ghosts on a snowbank
white in the moonlight
so lovely and so bright
a child’s world
a lost bone buried
once upon a time
a long long time
6:00 PM
outside Hernán Cortés’s House
dark settles early
on streets and squares
shop windows
islands of brightness
where am I?
who am I?
what am I?
an opening door
breaks the silence
snaps a sudden
match of light
tick of the death watch
beetle in a crumbling
colonial house
what have I done
with my life?
anonymous clocks
wear no faces
their hands
are severed
at the wrist
was he the one
who came to this place
and left this place
all places being one?
high wires
barbed and bristling
point the way to fear
in the royal armoury
an old sword sits outside
its scabbard
it howls at the moon
like a dog
it has remembered
how to thirst for
a black lace mantilla
cloud cast over the moon
no night lantern
to lighten
the star-laden sky
who are you?
when did you go?
where are you
after the earthquake
these walls were
no longer upright
all houses
even the body’s
break slowly down
in this house
a blunt edged sword
coffined in rust
bereft of sharpness
7:00 PM
my mouth
its full moon
in a round
pink shock
even though
I think I know
I am
I don’t know
I am
I am not insane
but will I
be the same?
time has frozen
ice water
on my wrist
wingless moths
row round and round
the gutter’s carousel
have severed
their angel wings
their staring eyes
their night painted faces
and its marrow
settle in subtle ice
a razor blade draws
thin red lines
a grid across the soul’s
dry husk
terminal madness
my head spins
round and round
two men
sitting in the gutter
they hold a razor blade
a sharpened knife
before them
sad wingless creatures
whirr an unending dance
round and round
the midnight band
stops its midnight march
money changes hands
all the hands
on all the clocks
stand upright
crying out in anguish
the moths row furiously
round and round
8:00 PM
the little old lady
lives in the moon
she dresses
in fine cotton
coloured with a flower’s dreams
a night fish
caught on a moonbeam
she winds me up
and reels me in
to her realm in the sky
she unpicks me
stitch by stitch
and the stars
hold out their hands
she binds me with starlight me
and winds me into
a ball of new-born wool
then she lowers me
back to earth
where a young girl
finds me
and knits me back together again
wild waves of sound
the evening bells
their celestial hammers
moon dogs circle
the lunar king
twin ear rings
the tongue you parrot
stammers thickly
with an anonymous
beneath flowers
in the park
a cricket activates
its trigger of song
bright flashes of sound
spark from the tree
soft flare
of moon
of your
a great red gong
my heart
plucked out and pulsing
as bright as
a cherry
as orange as
an orangutan
its life-giving
once shivered
back and forth
from rib to rib
now it gathers
on the night roost tree
an avian blossom
a chinese lantern moon
perches on high branches
etiolated crossbones
and a great bleached
beach ball skull
a sea of unsought
silver light
9:00 PM
in the cathedral
the chapel fills
with darkness
patches of light
where a few candles
still flicker
how do I dream
the music of the dead?
how do I trace
their dance steps?
this morning’s incense
still hangs
light on the air
the candle I ignite
stutters a name
the face
scarcely remembered
a fresh face
peers like a flower
through the chapel’s gloom
the altar fills me
with regret
black blades of glass
as sharp as knives
lie ready on the altar
for what strange sacrifice?
there is a slow
thin ribbon of blood
as the tongue is slit open
she pierces thin lips
with a cactus needle
who needs
this crown of thorns
the statue bears?
bound wrists
striped back
stones are so heavy
in this floral basket
a moonbeam slips
its sly glass knife
dry fibrillation
of a suffering heart
flickering on the flood
yellow their flames
above the white
altar cloth
with its cross
of gold
the cotton lily
an old woman
clasps her hands
in the confessional
dust rises
as she falls
to her knees
the old prayers
herr fingers
knit themselves
a spider web
her face
with wrinkles
10:00 PM
alone at my table
white against blue
the breath going
out of him
this warrior destined
to dance and serve
a cruel sun
his last words
gold and silver
so delicate
so thin
ice cold water
on which he no longer
dares nor cares
to walk
rich silk
tapestry woven
another man’s hands
another man’s time
the winter grey
seas of home
crest in my mind
the full tide
filling the basin
the ships coming home
salt on the wind
raucous gulls
sifted on a fine
wind’s sieve
white horses
in the farrier’s
nearby forge
stamp and surge
at the shoeing
my eiderdown
is stuffed
with a dull dry winter coat
dead birds sacrificed
so I can lie here in comfort
for all you know
they could be there
and not here
or here
and not there
but where are
here and there
when ghosts
shunt and shuttle
box cars boxed
back and forth
on the mind’s dark railway sidings
can you break
from that old film
with its black and white
your long dead footsteps echo
through empty rooms
11:00 PM
packing it in for the day
this auriferous sky
sewn with sharp sequins
is there a warp
towards meaning
a leaning towards
sun or moon?
when my footsteps
were first planted
did they take root
and grow?
or were they
snow geese
oies de neige
white feathers
smoke trails
instant gratification
possession of each passing cloud?
toil and bondage
this zapotec
measures the cloth
this mixtec
weaves whose destiny
her soft thread
gifted with stars?
this trique
severs the artery
you are no longer
bound to life’s loom
your grief is their grief
do you then bleed
in vain?
flowers of every colour
pour through the sky
from every open vein
a rocket released
streaks upwards
this new comet
forecasts what birth
or death?
glowing incandescent
its tail aflame
it lights the horizon
its explosion knocks
on heaven’s door
but are the gods
in possession of
their house?
are they still
at home?
the rocket’s silver star
a long white scar
streaming feathers
12 AM
squeezed orange
as fierce and sweet
as sunshine
on a branch
I tapped
with ardent spoon
on the graceless grapefruit’s
golden skull
I will boil
another egg
hot coffee
baking bread
do not spill
the coffee’s life blood
across a vacant cloth