Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Roger Moore
3M National Teaching Fellow
Island View, NB, Canada
E3E 1A2

Roger Moore, BA (Bristol), MA, PhD (Toronto).

Curriculum vitae:  In preparation for 17 May 2012; Updated: 15 September 2011.

Professor Emeritus (STU)				2010 - date
Director of Teaching and Learning (STU)	2007 - 2009
Full Professor (STU)					1982 - 2009
Associate Professor (STU)				1977 - 1982
Assistant Professor (STU)				1975 - 1977
Lecturer (STU)						1972 - 1975
Lecturer (UNB)						1971 - 1972
Doctoral Fellow (Canada Council)		1969 - 1971
Teaching Fellow (U of Toronto)		1967 - 1969
Teaching Assistant (U of Toronto)		1966 - 1967




Academic Qualifications:

1975 PhD (Toronto); 1967 MA (Toronto); 1966 BA (Bristol)
1999 Certificate of MultiMedia Studies (University of New Brunswick)
2007 Teaching Certificate: Institute for the Advancement of Teaching in Higher 					Education (IATHE, Ottawa).

PhD Thesis: 	      "A Stylistic Study of the Love poetry of Quevedo."  Directors: G.L. Stagg and Diego Marín.

Areas of Publication: 	
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Spanish Golden Age Literature: Calderón, Cervantes, Lazarillo de Tormes, Lope de Vega, Mira de Amescua, Moreto, Quevedo.
Spanish 20th Century Poetry (Lorca, Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez), 
Mexican Poetry (Octavio Paz).
Creativity (Poetry, short stories, film, videos, multimedia, digital photography)

Selected Honours and Awards

	2010		Professor Emeritus (Research and Teaching) St. Thomas University
			Finalist CBC Literary Competition The Key (Short story)
			Short Story Award, Writers Federation of New Brunswick, The Weaver
	2000 		3M National Teaching Fellow
	2000		Special Merit Award (Teaching) St. Thomas University
	1997		Distinguished Teacher Award, Association of Atlantic Universities
   	1996		Excellence in Teaching Award, St. Thomas University
	1996		Special Merit Award (Research) St. Thomas University (1996)
	1995		Alfred G. Bailey Prize, Writers Federation of New Brunswick Alban Angels
	1989		Alfred G. Bailey Prize, Writers Federation of New Brunswick Still Lives 
	1988		Association of  Canadian Hispanists’ National Article Award 
	1962		Stroud International Festival of the Arts, First Prize, Poetry (1962)

Current Editorial Boards

1.	Co-Editor: STLHE Newsletter 
2.	Editorial Board: Canadian Journal for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
3.	Associate Editor: STLHE Green Guides on Teaching 
4.	Consejo científico: Aula (University of Salamanca, Spain)
5.	Consejo científico: La Perinola – Revista de Investigación Quevediana (Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain)
6.	Editorial Board: Calíope (Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, USA)
7.	Editorial Board: Ellipse (Translation and Translation Theory – Fredericton, NB, Canada)	
8.	Editorial Board: Nashwaak Review (STU, Fredericton, NB, Canada) 

Former Editorial Positions

	International Fiction Review (Assistant Editor and Editorial Assistant 1972-1976)
	Canadian Modern Language Review (Book Editor / Spanish 1976-1981)
	Boletín de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (Editor 1980-1985)
	PosPed (STLHE / 3M – Pos(itive) Ped(agogy) online teaching and learning  journal)
	Editor: Teaching Perspectives, St. Thomas University. (2006-2009).

	Consultant: New Brunswick Department of Education (2003-2006), Spanish High School Textbooks for Grades 11 and 12.

Facilitator AAU Award Winners Retreat 2000-2005:

	10th Teaching Showcase Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Nova Scotia. 21 October 2005. 
	9th   Teaching Showcase Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. October 2004.
	8th   Teaching Showcase University College of Cape Breton, NS. October 2003.
 	7th   Teaching Showcase University of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, PEI.  October 2002.
	6th    Teaching Showcase Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB. October 2001.
	5th  Teaching Showcase Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. October 2000.

Professional Societies and Community Associations
I am not necessarily a fully paid up member at the present time.
3M National Teaching Fellow
National Council of 3M Canadian Teaching Fellows
Society for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (STLHE -- life member)
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) 
Association for Classical Hispanic Theatre (ACHT) 
Association of Canadian Hispanists  (ACH) 
Bulletin of the Comediantes (BCom) 
Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies  (CSRS) 
Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry (SRBHP) 
League of Canadian Poets (LCP)
Writers Federation of New Brunswick (WFNB)

Publicly Available Scholarly and Creative Work 
Books and the Equivalent

Monkey Temple (Poetry) Online (2010)

Carved in Obsidian. (Prose poetry and multi-media). Online (2009)
Land of Rocks and Saints. (Poetry Book). Fredericton: Nashwaak Editions. 2008.

Obsidian 22. (Poetry Book.) Halifax: MSVU Press. 2007.

Birthday Suit: The Making of the Movie. Fredericton: UNB – HIL. 2007. 64 pp.

At the Edge of Obsidian. A book of hours. Oaxaca, Mexico.  (Poetry Book.) Halifax: MSVU Press. 2005. 60 pp. October, 2005.

An Ongoing Quevedo Bibliography.  Published online (since 2000).

Fundy Lines (Poetry Book). Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2002. 62 pp.

Though Lovers Be Lost (Poetry Book). Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 67.

Sun and Moon. Poems from Oaxaca, Mexico. (Poetry Book). Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 72.

Proceedings: 4th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 1999 held at Saint Thomas University Fredericton, New Brunswick. (Editor, with Denise Nevo). Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP. 2000.

Alban Angels (Poetry) Online (1995)

Broken Ghosts (Poetry Book). Goose Lane Editions. Fredericton, N.B. 1986.

Last Year in Paradise (Poetry Book). Fiddlehead Poetry Books.  Fredericton, New Brunswick. 1978.

Towards A Chronology of Quevedo’s Poetry. Fredericton: York Press. 1976.


	Dewi Sant (6 Welsh Stories). Fredericton, NB. 2010.

	All About Angels (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB. 2009.

            M Press of Ire (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB. 2007.

            Granite Ship – Lines from Ávila (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB. 2005. 2nd ed. March 2006.

            On Being Welsh in a Land Ruled by the English (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB. 1993.

            Daffodils (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB. 1992.

	Iberian Interludes (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB, 1992.

	In the Art Gallery (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB, 1991.

	Secret Gardens (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB, 1991.

	Idlewood  (Poetry Chapbook). Fredericton, NB., 1990.

Book Length Manuscripts in Various Stages of Progress	

Creative Mss. 

People of the Mist (Novel: completed ms.)
Monkey Temple (Poems: completed ms.)
Walking the Walk (Novel)
Reason’s Dream (Novel)
Decent People. (20 Short Stories: ms. under revision)
Selected poems ( ms. under revision)

Videos on Teaching and Creativity

Birthday Suit: The Making of the Movie. 16th Mary Ella Milham Lecture. Fredericton: Harriet Irving Libraries. DVD. April 2007.
3 selected video clips online in the Certificate Program for the Institute for the Advancement of Teaching in Higher Education.  
Teaching Large Classes. 3M Teaching Fellows on Teaching. (6 filmed contributions over 3 DVDs. Released, November 2004).
Moore on Teaching. 30 minute video. 3M Think Tank. Toronto. 6 May 2003.	
My Philosophy of Teaching.  60 minute video. Department of Philosophy. UNB. 2000.
Theatre in Language Teaching: The  Oaxaca Project. 30 minute video for Channel 9 TV. Oaxaca, Mexico.  December, 1995.

Artistic Videos and Films

	Misdirection. (Acting role: Arthur Lawrence). Director: Jeremy Robinson.
	Anthony Flower. (Voice over).  Director: John Collicot.
Trek (Filmed in the Black Box Theatre, STU. Script editor. 1 hour video. Director: Roberta Nixon; author: Peter Pacey).
War Brides. (Voice over and narrative for 15 minute video produced for the Royal Canadian Legion.)
Birthday Suit (Writer, producer, director, editor. NBFilm Venture Grant Award for production; production dates: January - October, 2003). Birthday Suit: 2nd place in Rogers Viewers Choice (Short Films), Tidal Wave Film Festival. Fredericton, November 4-7, 2004.
	La cousine. (Acting role / Father. Director: Pierre Huard. Script editor. July. 2003).
	Hobson’s Choice (Continuity / Script Editor – Pre-production and production; May / June, 2003).	
Street Music (16mm film).NB Film Co-op. 2nd. Assistant Director. Pre-production. Production. 3rd Place in Rogers Viewers Choice (Short Films), Tidal Wave Film Festival. Fredericton, November 4-7, 2004. Filmed in Fredericton, May - July, 2002.	
Full Circle. (16mm film). NB Film Co-op / English Department. University of New Brunswick. Acting role. Pre-production (locations), production (continuity) and post-production (continuity). March, 2002.
Full Circle: for the Record. (Documentary Video). NB Film Co-op / English Department. University of New Brunswick. Acting roles plus participation. March / April, 2002.
Elevation. (Video). NB Film Co-op / English Department. University of New Brunswick. Acting role. February, 2002.
The Gentlemen’s Room. (Video). NB Film Co-op / English Department, UNB. Acting role plus pre-production, production, and post-production of video. February, 2002.

Short Stories Published	

	Pandora’s Box (short story), Nashwaak Review, (2004):
	The Fundy is the Fundy is the Fundy (short story), NB Nature, (2002):
	Poses (short story). The Nashwaak Review, 9 (2002):
	A Way With Women (short story). The Nashwaak Review, 7 (2000):
	Various Kinds of Bull (short story). The Nashwaak Review, 5 (1997): 178-88.
	An Evil Genius: Dewi Sant / St. David’s Day (short story).  The Cormorant, 13, 2 (1997), 9-24.
	The Waiting Game (short story). The Nashwaak Review, 4 (1996): 122-31.
	The Field of Peppers (short story).  The Nashwaak Review, 3 (1996):112-23.
	Father (short story). The Nashwaak Review,  2 (1995): 45-56.
	Decent People (short story). The Nashwaak Review,  1 (1994), 203-10.
 	Birthday Suit (short story).  The Antigonish Review, 81-82 (1990), 45-51.
	Piggy (short story). The Wild East, Spring (1990), 7-10.

Articles and the equivalent published and / or submitted:	

2011   “Student involvement in course design and self-assessment.” Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practice 2, September 2011,
           Co-editorial (with Sarah Keefer), STLHE Newsletter, 58, 2011.
           Co-Editorial (with Sarah Keefer), STLHE Newsletter # 57. 2011.
	Co-Editorial (with Sarah Keefer), STLHE Newsletter # 56. 2011.

2010	Co-Editorial (with Sarah Keefer), STLHE Newsletter # 55. 2010.
Translation: Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Pablos. “”10 Principles for an Innovative Model for the 21st 
	Century University: the <<Educational Campus>>. AULA, Revista de Pedagogía de la 
	Universidad de Salamanca. 16, 2010:187-200. Revisión lingüística a cargo de  Roger Moore).
	“Think Before You Ink: Two essay based courses which develop the ART of writing (Analysis, 
                       Research, Thought).” Compendium 2, Dalhousie University, NS. [PR]
“‘In the Beginning was the Picture, and the picture was in the text ... ‘Multi-media presentations of Picasso’s Guernica.”         Transformative Dialogues, 3, 3 (2010). Kwantlen. [PR]

2009	“Chaos Theory and the Teaching of Don Quixote.” Kwantlen Review: Transformative Dialogues. [PR]	
	Editorial. Teaching Perspectives 11 (2009): 2-3. 
	“And who shall assess the assessors?” Teaching Perspectives 11 (2009): 10-11.
	“A teaching conversation.” (with Rosemary Clew) Teaching Perspectives 11 (2009): 15-17.
2008   "Poetic creativity: word games and playing with words” in Didactic Approaches for Teachers of English in an International                                     
                        Context. Eds. Sonsoles Sánchez-Reyes Peñamaría y Ramiro Durán Martínez. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 
                        2008.: 125-137. [PR]
	“yellow: from silence to creation” in Silences in Teaching and Learning. Ed. Betsy Warland. Council of  3M Teaching 
                        Fellows / STLHE. Gauvin Press (Gatineau, Quebec). 2008: 157-60. [PR]
	“jaune: du silence naît la creation” in Silences in Teaching and Learning. Ed. Betsy Warland.
		Council of 3M Teaching Fellows / STLHE. Gauvin Press (Gatineau, Quebec). 2008:161-64.  [PR]
Editorial. Teaching Perspectives 10 (2008):1.
            “In class teaching evaluations.” in Teaching Perspectives (10). 16.
	Editorial.  Teaching Perspectives 9 (2008): 1-2. 
	“Philosophy of Teaching (1997).” In Teaching Perspectives 9 (2008): 19.

2007 	Editorial. In Teaching Perspectives 8:1. Fredericton, November, 2007.
	“IT: The Great Debate.” Teaching Perspectives. 8:9-11. Fredericton: STU. November, 2007. [PR]
	“What is the role of the teacher within the 21st century classroom?” Teaching Perspectives 8:12-13.  Fredericton: STU. 
                        November, 2007. [PR]

2006	“Don Quixote 1605-2005: Teaching Don Quixote on WebCT in the 21st Century.” Informatica, 30.      
		(2006) 413-420.  [PR].
	“The art of self-renewal.” Teaching Perspectives. 7:10-11. Fredericton: STU. November, 2006.
	“Avila Plus.” Teaching Perspectives. 7:6. Fredericton: STU. November, 2006.
	“University life as a journey: alternate metaphors.” Teaching Perspectives. 7:4. Fredericton: STU.
		November, 2006.
2005  “Slush File.” In Making a Difference / Toute la différence. A celebration of the 3M Teaching 
		Fellowship / Hommage aux Prix d’enseignement 3M. McMaster University: Centre 
		Leadership in Learning. 2005: 142-43. [PR]
   “From Classroom, to Conference, to Publication: Octavio Paz, Salamandra, and the I Ching.” in 
	Teaching Perspectives, Spring 2005.
   “The Links Between Classroom Teaching and Research.” Editorial. Teaching Perspectives. 
	Spring, 2005.
	   Editorial.  Teaching Perspectives. Published 19 March 2005.

2004   “Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ 
		Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: 
		Mount Saint Vincent UP (2004): 73-77. [PR]
	 “The Many Faces of Academia.” Article on professorial duties and editorial boards. The Aquinian. 
		September 2004.
	"Yellow." St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March, 2004, pp. 2-3.
	"The Old Man and the C." [Earnest Hummingbird] St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. 
		March 2004: 10.
	“Teaching Tips.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March 2004:3.
	“Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ 
	Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: 
	Mount Saint Vincent UP (2004): 73-77. [PR]

2003	  “Building Your CV.”  St.Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 3 (2003),  ----.
	  “Course Outlines.”  St.Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 3 (2003), ----.

2002 	  “Texts and (Con)Texts: Various Ways of Teaching Quevedo’s Miré los muros de la patria mía.” 
	Published online by the Advanced Placement College Board (New York, 2002) at,1282,151-165-0-9657,00.html

2001       “Student Self-Assessment.” Teaching Voices: UNB Bulletin on University Teaching. September 
		2001. 4-8. 
	   “Student Self-Assessment.” Proceedings: 5th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2000 
		held at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent 
		UP, 2001. 167-75. [PR]
“Comedy and the Construction of Community.”  St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 3 
----- and Elizabeth McKim. “Through a Distorting Mirror: Elizabeth Bishop’s Translations of 
	Octavio Paz’s Poetry, ” in Divisions of the heart. Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Place and 
	Memory.  Eds. Barry, Davies, and Sanger. Wolfville, NS: Gaspereau Press. 2001. 267-77. 

2000    “Liberation Theology and Translation Theory in Galdós’s Nazarín.” International Fiction Review 
		27 (2000): 68-72. [PR]
  “Metaphor and Logic: Some Comments on the Right Brain Left Brain Discussion Regarding 
	  “Creativity in Translation.” (Roger Moore and Patrick Malcomson).  St. Thomas University 
		Teaching Perspectives, 2 (2000), 9-12.
 “Mexico Online: The Creation of a Language Learning Community.”  Proceedings: 4th Atlantic 
	Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 1999 held at Saint Thomas University Fredericton, New 
	Brunswick . Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP. 2000. 101-07. [PR]
Foreword / Avant-Propos. Proceedings / Actes: 4th Atlantic Association of Universities’ Teaching  
	Showcase, 1999 held at Fredericton: Saint Thomas University. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent 
	University Press. 2000. 1-13.

1999     “An Interactive Approach to the Teaching of Creativity.” Proceedings: 3rd. Atlantic Universities’ 
		Teaching Showcase, 1998 held at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
		Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, 1999. 121-26. [PR]
“Quevedo: The search for a Place to Stand.” Ingeniosa invención: Essays on Golden Age Spanish 
	Literature for Geoffrey L. Stagg in Honour of his Eighty-Fifth Birthday. Ed. A. Anderson and 
	A. Williamson. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta, 1999. 101-21. [PR]

1998     “The Scrutiny of the Library: Cervantes, Don Quixote, and the Formation of the Literary Canon."  
		3L. Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. (1998)... [PR]
“’A Dog is a Dog is a Dog!’ A Neo-Post-Modernist Reading (Cum Grano Salis) of Burton Raffel's 
	New Translation of Don Quijote.” International Fiction Review 25.1-2 (1998): 12-20. [PR]

1997     “Translation and the Web: Collaborative Class Design in the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign 
		Language.” Expo-enseignement des Universités de l’Atlantique / Atlantic Universities’ 
		Teaching Showcase.  Revue de L’Université Sainte-Anne (1997),  69-79. [PR]

1996    "September  Rebirth." Excellence in Teaching Award Speech to Incoming Freshmen Students at St. 
		Thomas University, 8 September 1996. Published in Transitions, 17 October 1996, 2-3.	

1995    "Quevedo's Erase un hombre..., the Enigma of the Second Tercet."  Romance Quarterly 42. (1995): 
		39-46. [PR]
"Post-Influence, Proto-Intertextuality: Pablos's Rewrite of Lazarillo's House of Death." Romance
		Languages Annual 7 (1995): 555-61. [PR]

1994     "Why bother reading Quevedo's Buscón? The rationale behind the establishing of Romance 
		Languages 491: Bibliography and Methods of  Research."  Liberal Studies in the Canadian 
		Context: The Nature, the Need, the Prospects. St. Catharines: Brock University Liberal 
		Studies, 1994. 74-81. [PR]
"No Death, No Closure: The Open Ending of Quevedo's Buscón." Romance  Languages Annual 6 
	(1994): 539-545. [PR]
"Autobiography, Pseudo-Autobiography, Life-Writing, and Creative Fiction in Quevedo's 
	Buscón."  International Fiction Review. 21.1 (1994): 7-21. [PR]

1989	“Different Kinds of Failure: Some Comments on Quevedo's Revisions to Miré los muros de la 
		patria mía." Modern Language Review 84.1 (1989): 6676. [PR]

1988	Walters, Gareth. Francisco de Quevedo: Love Poet. Review article. Revista Canadiense de Estudios 			Hispánicos 12.3 (1988): 52024. [PR]

1987    "Quevedo's Poetic Creativity: Some Comments on a Newly Discovered Manuscript Version of 
		'Contaba una labradora.'" Modern Language Notes 101.2 (1987): 37886. [PR]
"The Medium is the Message: Alternative Approaches to the Teaching of  Spanish Golden Age 
	Theatre."Canadian Modern Language Review 44.1 (1987): 8894. [PR]
"Two (2) New Poems from Quevedo to Lisi?." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 64 (1987): 215-24.
	  "Some Comments on Iterative Thematic Imagery in Quevedo's Heráclito cristiano." Renaissance 
		& Reformation 23.3 (1987): 243-51. [PR]

1986     "Obras humanas de el divino Quevedo: A Reappraisal of Ms. 4117 of the Biblioteca Nacional, 
		Madrid." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 11.1 (1986): 4986. [PR]
"Quevedo, González de Salas, and the Evidence of a Newly Discovered Manuscript Version of 
	'No os espantéis, Señora Notomía.'" Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 20.2 (1986): 314. [PR]

1985    "Iterative Thematic Imagery in Calderón's El mágico prodigioso." Calderón and the Baroque 
		Tradition. Ed. Levy, Ara, & Hughes. Waterloo:  Wilfred Laurier UP, 1985. 127-36. [PR]

1983	"Quevedo, Lisi, the Religion of Love and the Evidence of the Manuscript Variants." Revista 
		Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 7.3 (1983): 363-73. [PR]

1981    "Lisa, Lisi, and the Caballero de la Tenaza." Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo 56 
		(1981): 215-24. [PR]
"Metatheatre and Magic in El mágico prodigioso." Bulletin of the Comediantes 33.2 (1981): 129-
	37. [PR]
"Introducing Translation: The Comparative Approach." Canadian Modern Language Review 38.1 
	(1981): 10-18. [PR]

1980    "The Symbol of the nétigua in La niña de Luzmela." International Fiction Review 7.1 (1980): 24-28. [PR]
Translation -- Kurt Levy, "Doña Bárbara: the Human Dimension."  International Fiction Review 
	7.2 (1980).

1979    "Leonor's Role in El esclavo del demonio." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos  3.3 (1979): 
		275-86. [PR]
"Ornamental and Organic Conceits in Moreto's El lego del Carmen." Bulletin of the Comediantes 
	31.2 (1979): 135-43. [PR]
"Reality (Good) and Appearance (Evil) as Elements of Thematic Unity in Mira de Amescua's El 
	esclavo del demonio." Perspectivas de la comedia, II. Valencia: Albatros Hispanófila, 1979. 
	79-91. [PR]

1978    "Conceptual Unity and Associative Fields in Two of Quevedo's Sonnets." Renaissance and 
		Reformation 14.1 (1978): 55-63. [PR]
"Lazarillo de Tormes and the Motif Index." International Fiction Review 5.2 (1978): 275-86. [PR]

1977    "Translation and Re-Creation: Kerrigan's Version of Unamuno's Niebla." International Fiction 
		Review 4.2 (1977): 158-61. [PR]

1975	Translation -- E. Anderson Imbert, "Magical Realism in Spanish American Fiction." International 
		Fiction Review 2.1 (1975): 18.

Atlantic Association of Universities
Facilitator’s Reports (2000-2005)

These reports were circulated to all AAU Presidents, Vice-Presidents, AAU LTD Committee Members, and Retreat Participants. They were peer reviewed by all retreat participants and were published in the Proceedings that were published after each Teaching Showcase.

Institutional Award Winner’s Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 10th Teaching Showcase Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Nova Scotia. 21 October 2005. 
Proceedings: 10th Teaching Showcase Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Nova Scotia. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP ( 2005): ----. 
Institutional Award Winner’s Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 9th Teaching Showcase Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. October, 2004.
     Proceedings: 10th Teaching Showcase Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova 
     Scotia. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP ( 2004): ----. 

Institutional Award Winner’s Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 8th Teaching Showcase University College of Cape Breton. Friday, 24 October, 2003.
   Proceedings: 8thAtlanticUniversities’ Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University   
  College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP ( 2004): 151-59.
Institutional Award Winners Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 7th Teaching Showcase. University of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, PEI.  October 2002.
   Proceedings: 7th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2002 held at University of
   Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP ( 2003): 207- 

Institutional Award Winners Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 6th Teaching Showcase. Mount Allison University. Sackville. New Brunswick. 27 October 2001.
	   Proceedings: 6th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2001 held at Mount Allison
           University, Sackville, New Brunswick. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, (2002.): 9-17. 

Institutional Award Winners Retreat. Facilitator. Atlantic Association of Universities. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. 27 October 2000.
   	   Proceedings: 5th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2000 held at Saint Mary’s
           Universit, yHalifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, (2002.): ----. 

Poems Published

Over 130 poems have been published, or accepted, by: Arc, Ariel, Casa de las Américas (Cuba), CommuterLit, Cross Canada Writers Quarterly, El Colibrí Rosado (Mexico), ellipse, Fiddlehead, Germination, Nashwaak Review, Nonesuch Magazine, Poetry Halifax Dartmouth, Poetry Toronto, Poetry Canada Review, Pottersfield Portfolio, Quarry, Revelations, The Antigonish Review, The Aquinian, The Canadian Literary Review, The Cormorant, The North York Arts Council Newsletter, The North York Mirror, The Wild East, Waves, and others.

Publicly Available Scholarly and Creative Work 	
Book Reviews

2011	Gregory MacKinnon. Technology in Higher Education. STLHE Green Guide No. 11. Society for Teaching and Learning in 
                       Higher Education. 2011. STLHE Newsletter 58, 2011
           Garcilaso de la Vega. Selected Poems. Edited and translated by John Dent-Young. Chicago and 
		London: University of Chicago Press. 2009. Pp. ix, 240. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 88 (2011) 744-46.
           Nancy Fenton and Karen Szala-Meneok: Research on Teaching and Learning Guidebook. 
		McMaster University: Centre for Leadership in Learning, 2010. 43 pages. STLHE Newsletter 57, 2011
	Boulos, Pierre. Understanding Cyber Ethics in a Cyber World. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt 
		Publishing Company. 2008. X, 98. STLHE Newsletter 56, 2011.

2010    Herteis, Eileen, M. and Nicola Simmons. The Portfolio Process. STLHE Green Guides for 
		Teaching #10, 2010: 10. Reprinted in Teaching Perspectives 14, Spring, 2011:5.

	Vélez-Sainz, Julio. El Parnaso español: canon, mecenazgo y propaganda en la poesía del Siglo de 
		Oro.  Madrid: Visor Libros.  2006.  237 pp. (Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2010).
 	Vaíllo, Carlos y Ramón Valdés (Eds.).  Estudios sobre la sátira española en el Siglo de Oro.  
		Madrid: Editorial Castalia.  2006.  253 pp. (Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2010).
2008     Aylwin, Ulric. Teacher’s Little Helper (Don’t start teaching without it). Montreal: Association 
		québecoise de pédagogie collégiale. 2008: 98. STLHE Newsletter 50, Fall, 2008:13.

2006    James O. Crosby. Nuevas cartas de la última prisión de Quevedo. Woodbridge: Támesis, 2005. 
		490. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. (Glasgow, UK). Bulletin of Spanish Studies.

	Suazo, Jorge, W. Mary Symbolism in the Romances of Seville Poet Francisco de Medrano (1570-
		1607). Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2004. Pp. xi, 163. Bulletin 
		of Spanish Studies. 

2005     James O. Crosby. The First Edition of Quevedo’s Sueños. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. (Glasgow, 
		UK). Bulletin of Spanish Studies. 

2004      Basabe, O. Memoriales a pura tripa. International Fiction Review [IFR]. 2004.

1999	   Luis de Góngora. Soledades. Ed. Philip Polack. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press. 1997. xxx. 130.      
			Modern Language Review, 94, 1 (1999), 227-29.

Santiago Fernández Mosquera. La poesía amorosa de Quevedo. Disposición y estilo desde Canta 
	sola a Lisi. Madrid: Gredos. 1999. 419. Calíope. 

1997      Julián Olivares, La poesía amorosa de Francisco de Quevedo. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1995. Pp. 
		ix, 210.  Calíope, 3, 1 (1997), 98-102.
Arthur Terry.  Seventeenth-century Spanish Poetry. The Power of Artifice. Cambridge: Cambridge 
	University Press. 1993. Pp. xv, 300. Modern Language Review, 92, 1 (1997), 228-30.
Dominick Finello. Pastoral Themes and Forms in Cervantes's Fiction. London and Toronto: 
	Associated University Presses (Bucknell University Press), 1994. Pp. 299.  Romance 
	Quarterly, 44, 3 (1997): 190-92.

1996    Ignacio Navarrete.  Orphans of Petrarch: Poetry and Theory in the Spanish Renaissance. Berkeley:  
		University of California Press, 1994.Pp. x, 297. Renaissance and Reformation, 20, 2 (1996): 

1995	Benito-Vessels, Carmen and Michael Zappala (Eds.). The Picaresque. A Symposium on the Rogue's 
		Tale. International Fiction Review, 22, 1-2 (1995), 118-19.
 	 Riandière la Roche, J. Nouveaux documents Quévediens. Une famille à Madrid au temps de 
		Phillippe II.  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies,  72, 4 (1995), 430-32.
	Crosby, James O. and P. Jauralde Pou. Quevedo y su familia en setecientos documentos notoriales 
		(1567-1724). Madrid: Edad de Oro. 1992. Pp. 434.  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 72, 2 
		(1995), 228-29.
	Francisco de Quevedo, Quevedo esencial. Ed. Celsa C. García Valdés.  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 
		72 (1995), 432.

1994    Hart, Thomas, R. Cervantes' Exemplary Fictions.  A Study of the Novelas ejemplares. Lexington: 
		University Press of Kentucky. 1994. 126.  International Fiction Review, 22, (1995) 107-08.
	Fothergill-Payne, L. & P. Parallel Lives. Spanish and English National Drama 1580-1680. 
		Romance Quarterly,  41, 4 (1994), 243-45.
Gómez Moriana, Antonio. Discourse Analysis as Sociocriticism. The Spanish Golden Age. 
	Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 19, 1 (1994), 187-88.
	Said. Edward W.  Culture and Imperialism. International Fiction Review, 21, 1, (1994) pp. 99-101.
	Clamurro, William H. Language and Ideology in the Prose of Quevedo.  Revista Canadiense de 
		Estudios Hispánicos, 19, 1 (1994), 184-87.
	Mariscal, George.  Contradictory Subjects: Quevedo, Cervantes, and Seventeenth Century Spanish 	
		Culture. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 19, 1 (1994), 216-17.
	Smith, Paul Julian.  Quevedo. El Buscón. Modern Language Review, 89, 2 (1994), 516-17.

1993   William H. Clamurro, Language and Ideology in the Prose of Quevedo. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 
		70, 4 (1993), 460-61.
	Encarnación Juárez, Italia en la vida y obra de Quevedo. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 70, 2 (1993), 
	Francisco de Quevedo, El Buscón. Ed. P. Jauralde Pou.  Modern Language Review, 88, 1 (1993), 

1991    Francisco de Quevedo, Historia de la vida del Buscón. Ed. Edmund Cros. Bulletin of Hispanic 
		Studies, 68, 3 (1991), 416.
	Francisco de Quevedo, Poems to Lisi. Ed. Gareth Walters. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 68, 3 
		(1991), 416-17.	
	Francisco de Quevedo, Sátiras lingüísticas  y literarias. Ed. Celsa C. García Valdés, Bulletin of 
		Hispanic Studies. 

1989   Anthony J. Cascardi, The Limits of Illusion: A Critical Study of Calderón.  Kentucky Romance 
		Quarterly, 36, 2 (1989), 245-46.

1988	Daniel L. Heiple, Mechanical Imagery in Spanish Golden Age Poetry. Revista Canadiense de 
		Estudios Hispánicos, 12, 3 (1988), 527-28. 
	Paul Julian Smith, Quevedo on Parnassus: Allusive Context and Literary Theory in the LoveLyric. 
	Modern Language Review, 83, 1 (1988), 225-26.
D. Gareth Walters, Francisco de Quevedo: Love Poet. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 
	12, 3 (1988), 520-24.

1987    Lope de Vega Carpio, Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña. Ed. Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez. 
		Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 12, 1 (1987), 188.

1986	Mosely, Milliam W., Glenroy Emmons and Marilyn C. Emmons, eds., Spanish Literature, 1500-
		1700: A Bibliography of Golden Age Studies in Spanish and English.  Canadian Modern
		Language Review, 42, 3 (1986), 729-30.
	Montero, José and Michele Gottlieb, Preterite vs. Imperfect. Canadian Modern Language Review, 
		42, 3 (1986), 727-28.
	Richard Bjornson, Approaches to Teaching Cervantes's Don Quixote.  Canadian Modern Language 
		Review. (1986).
McCrary, William C. and José A. Madrigal, eds., Studies in Honor of Everett W. Hesse. Revista de 
	Estudios Hispánicos, 20, 2 (1986), 125.

1985    Escribano, José G. and Tony Lambert, Por aquí.  Canadian Modern Language Review, 41, 1 
		(1985), 132-33. 
	Rex Last, Language Teaching and the Microcomputer. Canadian Modern Language Review,

1984    R.P. Calcraft, The Sonnets of Luis de Góngora. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 8, 3 
		(1984), 2, 42-44.

1983    Luis de Góngora, Letrillas. Ed. Robert Jammes. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 7, 2 
		(1983), 3 40-41.
	 Julián Olivares, The Love Poetry of Francisco de Quevedo. Hispania. (1983)

1982	Nora J. Wieser, ed. Open to the Sun: A Bilingual Anthology of LatinAmerican Women Poets. 
		Canadian Modern Language Review, 38, 2 (1982), 365-66.
	Valencia, Pablo and Franca Merlonghi, En contacto. A First Course in Spanish. Canadian Modern 	
		Language Review, 38, 2 (1982), 355-56.

1981    Paul Ilie, Literature and Inner Exile. Authoritarian Spain, 19391975. International Fiction 
		Review, 8, 2 (1981), 155-56.

1980	Valencia, Pablo and Franca Merlonghi, En contacto. Canadian Modern Language Review, 36, 
	H. Sieber, Language and Society in La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes. International Fiction Review, 7, 
		2 (1980).
	Francisco de Quevedo, Songs of Love and Death and In Between. Ed. and trans. David Gitlitz. 
		Canadian Modern Language Review, 
	Gonzalo Sobejano, Francisco de Quevedo. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 5, (1981), 
	Manuel Durán, Quevedo. Hispania, (1980): 7 49-50.
1979   Gustavo Alfaro, La estructura de la novela picaresca. International Fiction Review, 6, 1 (1979), 
	Francisco de Quevedo, La vida del buscón llamado don Pablos. Ed. B. Ife. Canadian Modern 
		Language Review, 35, 4 (1979), 7 49-50.

1978   Cioffari, Vicenzo and Emilio González, Repaso práctico y cultural. Canadian Modern Language 
		Review, 34, 4 (1978), 7 70-71.     
	E. Anderson Imbert, Los primeros cuentos del mundo. International Fiction Review, 5, 1 (1978), 75 
	Don Juan Manuel, The Book of Count Lucanor and Patronio. International Fiction Review, 5, 1 
	(1978), 65-66. 

1977   Kingsley Amis, Rudyard Kipling and his World. International Fiction Review, 4, 2 (1977), 20-22.

1976	Shamsul Islam, Kipling's Law. International Fiction Review, 3, 2 (1976), 1 68-69.

1975	R. El Saffar, From Novel to Romance: A Study of Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares. International 
		Fiction Review,  2, 1(1975), 92-93.
	C.J. Whitbourne, Knaves and Swindlers. International Fiction Review, 2, 2 (1975), 9293.
	F.R. Karl, The Adversary Literature. International Fiction Review 2, 2 (1975), 9192.
	John Creasey, Danger for the Baron. International Fiction Review, 2, 1 (1975), 82.
    	André Langevin, Dust Over the City. International Fiction Review, 2, 1 (1975), 8586.

1974   John Crosbie, The Mayor of Upper Upsalquitch. International Fiction Review, 1, 2 (1974), 149.

Courses Taught:


	Don Quixote, Octavio Paz, Federico García Lorca, Twentieth Century Spanish Poetry, Generation of 1898, Generation of 1927, Spanish Picaresque Novel: Lazarillo de Tormes and  Quevedo’s Buscón, Renaissance and Baroque Spanish Poetry, Spanish Golden Age Theatre, Spanish Medieval Literature, A Survey of Spanish Literature (Honours Reading List), Individual Authors (Spanish Honors Thesis).
	Spanish Peninsular, Mexico Online, Spanish American Culture, Twentieth Century Spanish Culture, Picasso, History of Spanish Art (El Greco, Velásquez, Goya, Picasso, Dalí).


	Introduction to Translation (Spanish / English), Intermediate Translation, Advanced Translation.


	Basic Spanish Language Courses at all undergraduate levels.
