Career Summary


3M National Teaching Fellow
Professor Emeritus
St. Thomas University


    In the final annual report that I wrote for my last place of employment, I summarized the main aspects of my 45 year career teaching and researching in Canada. This report included my contributions to the national and international learning, teaching, research, and creative communities with which I have been involved. 

Excellence in Teaching 

My Excellence in Teaching has been recognized in many ways:

3M National Teaching Fellow (2000) 
AAU Distinguished Teacher -- Atlantic Association of Universities Distinguished Teacher (1997)
Professor Emeritus: Induction (Research and Teaching) as St. Thomas University’s seventh Professor Emeritus (July 14, 2010) in their centennial year (1910-2010)
Shaper: Recognition as a shaper of the first century at St. Thomas University (1910-2010) in Connections  (Winter, 2010), the STU Alumni magazine
Excellence in Teaching Award -- St. Thomas University (May 1996).

Editorial Activities Associated with Excellence in Teaching

Co-editor: of STLHE Newsletter (2010)
Associate Editor: STLHE Green Guides for Teaching (2003-2011)
Editorial Board of Aula, University of Salamanca  (2009-2011)
Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, CJSoTL / RCACEA (2011)

          Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)

3M National Selection Committee: Committee Member -- 2007-2008-2009 
STLHE Bilingual Committee (member) 2010-2011
Steering Committee (2009-2010) for the Annual General Meeting of  the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (University of New Brunswick, 17-20 June, 2009)
Chair French Language Committee: AGM of STLHE (UNB, 2009)
STLHE Board Member, elected New Brunswick representative (2003-2004)

           Atlantic Association of Universities (AAU)

AAU Retreat Facilitator for the AAU Institutional Award Winners Retreat from 2000-2005 at the following locations St. Mary’s University, Mount Allison University, University of Prince Edward Island, University College of Cape Breton, Dalhousie University, and Nova Scotia Agricultural College (Truro, NS)
LOTUS: Atlantic Canada (1998); at the invitation of the Atlantic Association of Universities, I lectured on LOTUS (Learning Opportunities for Tomorrow’s University Students) at St. Mary’s University, Dalhousie University, Mount St. Vincent University, the University of New Brunswick, Saint John Campus, St. Thomas University joint with the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton).
Educational Developers’ Caucus of the Atlantic Association of Universities
Atlantic Association of Universities 4th Teaching Showcase at St. Thomas University, chair and organizer (1999)

            St. Thomas University

Director of Teaching and Learning at St. Thomas University (2007-2008-2009)
Learning and Teaching Development Committee long term member and frequent chair
Teaching Perspectives Editor (2006-2009) and member of editorial committee (2000-2009)

            Associated Learning and Teaching Development Activities

Master Teacher: Master Teacher seminars at the University of St. Thomas (Houston, Texas, 2007), Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, Texas, 2008), George Brown College (Toronto, 2008), and Escuela de Idiomas (UABJO, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1995) 
Outside Assessor: Excellence in Teaching Award at the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill, Barbados, 2007)
The Oaxaca Exchange Program instructed faculty, staff, and students in English and Spanish in the UNB / STU / Oaxaca Exchange Program (1995-2001)
CIDA prepared 2 CIDA Grants ($750,000 and $1.3 million, Tier 2, 1996-1998) for developing teaching and learning in Oaxaca
Program Design helped design the renewed graduate teaching program in the Centro de Idiomas, UABJO, Oaxaca
Videos Six videos on learning and teaching(UABJO, 3M / STLHE, IATHE, UNB)
Judge -- University of New Brunswick’s Graduate Student Association’s Annual Conference on Graduate Student Research (Wu Conference Centre, 2000-2002)
The Avila Experience (2004-2009) teaching in Avila in 2006-2008
Effective Teaching Institute Chaired and organized various ETI’s at St. Thomas University

International Exchange Programs

I have also supported all initiatives to internationalize the STU campus and have worked hard to maintain exchange programs in Mexico, and Spain. I have organized, developed, and maintained four international programs

Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Santander, Spain, 1973-1993)
Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, 1994 (CIDA seed grant request for $5,000, 1994-1995)
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico): this program ran from 1995-2001. I was lead writer (UNB, UABJO, STU) on two Tier 2 CIDA Grants ($750,000 and $1.3 million).
Universidad de Salamanca en Ávila (Avila, Spain): I organized this program (2004-2009) and taught in it from 2006-2008. 

Creation and Innovation    
Alfred G. Bailey Award for Poetry from the Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick for Still Lives (1989) and Alban Angels (1995)
David Adams Richards Award, WFNB -- Finalist (Decent People,  short stories, 1995); Finalist / Runner up (People of the Mist, novel, 2011)
Finalist in CBC Short Story Competition (Dandelions, 1987 and The Key, 2010)
First Place WFNB Short Story Competition (The Weaver, 2010)
10 short stories and over 120 poems published in 26 Canadian literary magazines
eight books of poetry, Last Year in Paradise (1979), Broken Ghosts (1986), Sun and Moon (2000), Though Lovers Be Lost (2000), Fundy Lines (2002), At the Edge of Obsidian (2005), Obsidian 22 (2007), and Land of Rocks and Saints (2008)
nine poetry chapbooks Idlewood (1990), Secret Gardens (1991), In the Art Gallery (1991), Iberian Interludes (1992), Daffodils (1992), On Being Welsh in a Land Ruled by the English (1993), Granite Ship (2006), and M Press of Ire (2007), All About Angels (2009).
1 chapbook of short stories Dewi Sant (2010)
A collection of 20 Short Stories (working title Decent People: Double Lives) 10 of which have been published separately plus 6 other (unpublished) creative mss.
2 submitted manuscripts of novels: People of the Mist (199 pages, 63,000 words) and Walking the Walk (342 pages, 101,000 words).
involvement in 11 artistic videos: The Gentlemen’s Room (2002), Elevation (2002), Full Circle: For the Record (2002), Full Circle (2002), Street Music (2002), Hobson’s Choice (2003), La Cousine (2003), War Brides (2005), Trek (2006), Anthony Flower (2007), and Misdirection (2008)
writing, producing, directing, and editing Birthday Suit (2004), which won second place in the Rogers Viewers’ Choice Silver Wave Film Festival (November 2004)

This creativity is an integral part of my teaching as is shown by

the teaching of creativity and creative writing in the University of Salamanca in Avila 
the teaching of Creative Writing and Live Theatre within the TESL Programs at the Centro de Idiomas, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca in Mexico
teacher training seminars (Spanish and English) at the Centro de Idiomas, UABJO
constant innovation within my own teaching: Spanish language, literature, and culture and related interdisciplinary fields
the planning and teaching of interdisciplinary programs and courses: Writing, Humanities, An Introduction to University Studies, the interdisciplinary Aquinas Program
presentation of lectures across the curriculum on art, creative writing, and creativity in general
involvement in the creation of well-constructed learning communities
use of multimedia as a means to (re)focus teaching in the humanities
web-page construction both personal and in class
the publication, since the award of the 3M National Teaching Fellowship in 2000, of a series of innovative, peer reviewed articles on creative teaching methods.


My main area of research is Golden Age Spanish literature, in particular, the works of Francisco de Quevedo. I have also published articles on Early Modern Spanish theatre, Cervantes, and the Spanish Picaresque novel. Other more recent areas of research include aspects of teaching and learning and, in particular, student involvement in the learning process.

2 books Towards A Chronology of Quevedo’s Poetry (1976) and Proceedings / Actes of the 4th AAU Teaching Showcase (2000)
consultant (2001-2006) for the New Brunswick Department of Education designing and writing the two Spanish Introductory Text-Books now used in Grade 11 and Grade 12 
An Ongoing Online  Quevedo Bibliography  
70 peer reviewed articles on Spanish Golden Age Literature and other aspects of Spanish and Mexican Literature and teaching and editorials and learning
20 articles / reports /  commentaries (by invitation)
70 book reviews in peer reviewed international journals (Britain, Canada, Spain, and the USA) mainly on current Golden Age Spanish research but also on SoTL
More than 500 workshops, readings, lectures, seminars and academic papers

My current research interests continue to centre on Spanish Golden Age Literature and I have four unpublished book length manuscripts awaiting completion

Alternative Approaches to Quevedo’s Buscón
Quevedo’s Poetic Creativity
Iterative Thematic Imagery in Golden Age Spanish Literature and 
An Annotated Edition of Quevedo’s Poems to Lisi

Other research interests have included Golden Age Spanish Theatre, Mexican Pre Columbian Códices, the relationship between Octavio Paz and Elizabeth Bishop, various aspects of Computer Assisted Language Learning, uses of multimedia in teaching the Humanities, and more recently SoTL -- the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In 1988 I was awarded the Association of Canadian Hispanists Prize for the best article published by a Canadian Hispanist and in 1996 I was awarded a Special Merit Award by St. Thomas University in recognition of my continued commitment to research. My induction as Professor Emeritus at STU (July 14, 2010) cited both research and teaching.


    I have often referred to editorial work as the hidden face of academia. I am always surprised that although we expect faculty to publish, we offer very little recognition and encouragement to those who edit and run the reviews in which the publications actually take place. In fact, I’ll go further: those academics who perform the essential reading, assessing, organizing, and publishing are all too often belittled, as are bibliographers, and given little or no credit and recognition for their hard and sometimes distinguished work. My own editorial appointments include:

Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, CJSoTL / RCACEA (2011)
Co-editor STLHE Newsletter (2010)
Associate Editor, STLHE Green Guides for Teaching (2004-2010)
Editor of Teaching Perspectives (2006-2009)
Editorial Board AULA (University of Salamanca, Spain, 2009)
Editorial Board of La Perinola – Revista de Investigación Quevediana (University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 2004-2009)
Editorial work with Teaching Perspectives (at STU, 2000-2009)
Editorial Board Nashwaak Review
Editorial Board Ellipse
Editorial Board of Calíope – Society of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 
Assessor for the Canada Council / SSHRCC (Committee 2: Modern Languages Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellowships, 1989-1992
Editor (2 years) of the St. Thomas University calendar
Editor (5 years) of the Boletín de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas
Book Review Editor (5 years -- Spanish) of the Canadian Modern Language Review
Assistant Editor (3 years) of the International Fiction Review
Editorial Assistant (2 years) of the International Fiction Review
Assessor for the National Endowment of the Humanities (USA)
Peer Review Assessment of articles for the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Renaissance and Reformation, the Modern Language Review, Calíope, the Canadian Modern Language Review, the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and other journals

National and Provincial Executives: 

I have worked at various times on the Executive of several national, regional and provincial associations

Atlantic Provinces Representative for the Association of Canadian Hispanists; note that I was nominated for the presidency of the national association in 1985
Atlantic Provinces Representative for the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies
Atlantic Provinces Representative for the League of Canadian Poets
Atlantic Provinces Representative for the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
Trustee, Canadian Association of University Teachers Defence Fund (2002-2007)
President of the New Brunswick Rugby Union (6 years)
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Level I and II ( Coach and Instructor, Rugby,  [1976-1992])
Director / Vice-President of the Writers Federation of New Brunswick

In addition I have arranged workshops, organized panels, set up regional and provincial conferences and seminars, and assisted with readings and lecture series. I have also organized regular academic panels (see full cv) at the national level, working most recently as a member of the steering committee for the STLHE Conference at UNB (French Language Committee [chair] and 3M Committee [chair]) as well as for the STU Centenary Conference Committee (STU, 2010).

Outside Academia
 I have been a National Coaching Certification Program Coach and Instructor (levels 1 & 2, Rugby) for 16 years (1976-1992). I coached the Province of New Brunswick representative side at Senior and Junior Level in the national championships and twice coached the New Brunswick Rugby Union Jeux du Canada Games Team -- 1981 [Thunder Bay, Ontario] and 1985 [Saint John, New Brunswick]. I also coached the Atlantic Provinces Youth Team that played against Welsh Youth in Halifax in 1986 and I have coached 2 different clubs to 4 Maritime and a number of New Brunswick Championships.

The Past

What I have offered Canadian universities, over the 44 years I have taught in Canada, is a non-traditional package of enthusiasm, organizational skills, academic integrity, honesty, and diversity, hard-work, creativity, innovation, dedication, intelligence, and commitment. I have offered  to all my students, glimpses of what the future may hold in terms of the latest developments in technology and teaching and learning with technology, as exemplified by my 1998 Atlantic Association of Universities’  tour of the Atlantic Universities entitled LOTUS (Learning Opportunities for Tomorrow’s University Students).

I have always believed strongly in excellence and innovation in creativity, research and teaching, and I have worked hard and long in order to excel in my chosen and specialized fields. I have devoted a great deal of time to international development and have encouraged students and other faculty to participate in all of the international programs in which I have been involved. 

I also believe strongly in the integrity and ability of students and I have worked to make things as challenging and as interesting as possible for the next generation. Creativity and innovation have always been central to the academic life in which I have been involved and I have helped students create and design web pages in several of my courses.

What the Future Holds for me

I am currently building two data bases at the Electronic Text Centre in the Harriet Irving Library at the University of New Brunswick. I am also deeply committed to the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for whom I am the Co-Editor of the STLHE Newsletter (published 3 times a year), an Associate Editor of the STLHE Green Guides for Teaching, and a Board Member of CJSoTL, the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.  In addition I am working (editorial board or advisory committee) with AULA (Salamanca), La Perinola (Pamplona), Calíope (Texas), ellipse (Fredericton, NB) and the Nashwaak Review (Fredericton, NB)>

Information Technology and Web Page Construction
    I completed a Certificate in Multi-Media (University of New Brunswick, 1999). 
    I now run two web pages:
    My creative work continues. I have written two novels, People of the Mist and Walking the Walk and I am working on two more. I have a collection of 20 short stories which I am hoping to publish along with two volumes of poetry,  a Selected Poems and Monkey Temple. I am also engaged in creating digital photos, photo poems, video poems, and podcasts, all of which are available on my webpages.

Selected articles on innovative practices in teaching and learning 

“Student involvement in course design and self-assessment.” Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practice, 2, September, 2011: 127-32. 

“In the Beginning was the Picture, and the picture was in the text ...” Presenting Picasso’s Guernica in Various Multi-Media Settings.” Kwantlen Review: Transformative Dialogues. 2010. Available online [PR]

“Think Before You Ink: Two essay based courses which develop the ART of writing (Analysis, Research, Thought).” Compendium 2. Dalhousie University. 2010. Available online. [PR]

“Chaos Theory and the Teaching of Don Quixote.” Kwantlen Review: Transformative Dialogues. 2009. Available online. [PR] 

"Poetic creativity: word games and playing with words” in Didactic Approaches for Teachers of English in an International Context. Eds. Sonsoles Sánchez-Reyes Peñamaría y Ramiro Durán Martínez. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2008.: 125-137. [PR]

 “yellow: from silence to creation” in Silences in Teaching and Learning. Ed. Betsy Warland. Council of 3M Teaching Fellows / STLHE. Gauvin Press (Gatineau, Quebec). 2008: 157-60. [PR]

 “jaune: du silence naît la creation” in Silences in Teaching and Learning. Ed. Betsy Warland. Council of 3M Teaching Fellows / STLHE. Gauvin Press (Gatineau, Quebec). 2008:161-64. [PR]

“IT: The Great Debate.” Teaching Perspectives. 8:9-11. Fredericton: STU. November, 2007. [PR -- IATHE]

 “What is the role of the teacher within the 21st century classroom?” Teaching Perspectives. 8:12-13.  Fredericton: STU. November, 2007. [PR -- IATHE]

 “Don Quixote 1605-2005: Teaching Don Quixote on WebCT in the 21st Century.” Informatica, 30. (2006) 413-420.  [PR]

“Slush File.” In Making a Difference / Toute la différence. A celebration of the 3M Teaching Fellowship / Hommage aux Prix d’enseignement 3M. McMaster University: Centre Leadership in Learning. 2005: 142-43. [PR]

 “From Classroom, to Conference, to Publication: Octavio Paz, Salamandra, and the I Ching.” in Teaching Perspectives, Spring 2005. 

“Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP (2004): 73-77. [PR]

 “Texts and (Con)Texts: Various Ways of Teaching Quevedo’s Miré los muros de la patria mía.” Published online by the Advanced Placement College Board (New York, 2002). [PR].

“Student Self-Assessment.” Proceedings: 5th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2000 held at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, 2001. 167-75. [PR] 

“Mexico Online: The Creation of a Language Learning Community.”  Proceedings: 4th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 1999 held at Saint Thomas University Fredericton, New Brunswick. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP. 2000. 101-07. [PR]