2003-2004Date of Preparation (In preparation for 17 May 2004).
Highlights of 2003-2004 include:
- Appointed to the Editorial Board of La Perinola: Revista de Investigación Quevediana (Universidad de Navarra, Spain). NB This is my second international Editorial Board along with Calíope: Journal of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry (University of Texas at Houston).
- 4 readings with His Honour, Herménégilde Chiasson, Lt. Gv, of New Brunswick (Old Government House, October, 2003; Beaverbrook Art Gallery, February, 2004; St. Thomas University, March, 2004; and Gallery '78, May 2004).
- Birthday Suit (produced and shot January - October, 2003), premiered in the Tidal Wave Film Festival (November 2003); second prize (Rogers Viewers Choice, New Brunswick Shorts).
- Film making (2 films) with NBFilm Coop (June, July, and August 2003: La cousine [dir. Pierre Huard -- acting and script editor] and Hobson’s Choice [dir. Shawn Speake -- continuity] ).
- Villa Iluminativa (6th poetry book -- CBC poetry competition entry)
- The Empress of Ireland (7th poetry book – WFNB poetry competition entry)
- Ongoing Online Quevedo Bibliography
- Board Member: Fredericton Arts Alliance
- Board Member: New Brunswick Film Coop
- Steering Committee of STLHE (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education).
- 3M Think Tank (Toronto, May, 2003). This produced a video Moore on Teaching for 3M / STLHE (Toronto, May 2003)
- AAU Award Institutional Winners Retreat (Facilitator) at University College of Cape Breton (October, 2003). Report written, circulated, and published.
- Extensive development of web site includes:
Development of Scholarship of Teaching on web page
Introduction of Professional Development page including articles on how to design a curriculum vitae, career change, a teaching philosophy, a teaching portfolio, and an annual report.
Continued development of multi-media with photography and poetry
A Courses Taught ( 2003-2004):
Regular Course Load:
Spanish 2012 Intermediate Spanish 1 (38 students)
Spanish 2023 Intermediate Spanish 2 (36 students)Spanish 3313 Advanced Reading 1 (14 students)
Spanish 3323 Advanced Reading 2 (12 students)Spanish 3513 Introduction to Translation 1 (28 students)
Spanish 3523 Introduction to Translation 2 (22 students)Unpaid Voluntary Overload
Spanish 4986 Honours Reading List : Both Terms (5 students)
Spanish Independent Studies – Continuing Translation Second term (1 student)
B Honours Theses SupervisedRomance Languages: Bibliography and Methods of Research: Second term (2 students / honours paper).
C Other Teaching And/or Instructional Activities.
- Peer mentor for 12 faculty members (promotion, teaching dossiers, in class assessment, SGIDS etc).
- "Writing Your Annual Report." Workshop and Blue Pencil Café. Brian Mulroney Hall, St. Thomas University. 14 April 2004.
- "Yellow." St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March, 2004.
- "The Old Man and the C." [Earnest Hummingway] St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March 2004.
- Teaching Tips. St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March 2004.
- Institutional Award Winners Retreat Facilitated by Dr. Roger Moore. Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP ( 2004): xxx-xx.
- “Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, 2004. xxx-xx. [Peer Reviewed]
- “Building Your CV.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, X (2003), x-x.
- “Course Outlines.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, X (2003), x-x.
- Institutional Award Winners Retreat Facilitated by Dr. Roger Moore. (Report circulated to AAU Presidents, AAU LTD Committee Members, and Retreat Participants). 8th Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase. University College of Cape Breton, October, 2003.
- “Preparing your Philosophy of Teaching.” Panel member: 3M Award Winner’s Panel. Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase. University College of Cape Breton. Sydney, NS, Saturday, 25 October 2003.
- “Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase. University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Saturday, 25 October 2003.
- Facilitator: Institutional Award Winner’s Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. University College of Cape Breton. Friday, 24 October, 2003.
- “Creating the Creative CV.” 2 hour workshop and seminar for the Learning and Teaching Development Committee. Brian Mulroney Hall. St. Thomas University. 20 September 2003.
- “Course Outlines – An Introduction.” 2 hour workshop and seminar for the Learning and Teaching Development Committee. Brian Mulroney Hall. St. Thomas University. 26 August 2003.
- Villa Iluminativa (6th poetry manuscript).
The Empress of Ireland (7th poetry manuscript).
Multi-media poems from the two above collections.- Birthday Suit (Writer, producer, director, and editor: – pre-production, production, post-production; NBFilm Venture Grant Award for production; pre-production January - June; production June 14-15, 2003; post-production, June- August, 2003. NB Birthday Suit won second place in the Tidal Wave Film Festival, New Brunswick Shorts.
- Hobson’s Choice (Continuity / Script Editor – Pre-production and production; May / June, 2003).
- La cousine (Dir. Pierre Huard. Acting role and script editor; July and August, 2004)
- Street Music (Dir, Nick Mills. 2nd AD).
- An Ongoing Online Quevedo Bibliography. (2,500 titles. Available online since August 2000 and now cross listed internationally.)
- The future of text: Paz and Quevedo – Minding the P’s and Q’s of contemporary poetry. This is a comparative study of the nature of text in the twentieth century. It is intended as a multi media presentation on different styles of text and writing for poetry.
- The Institutional Award Winners Retreat (Report). To be published in the Proceedings of the 8th AAU Teaching Showcase at UCCB. 2004.
- Francisco de Quevedo: An Ongoing Bibliography. A comprehensive working bibliography of Quevedo criticism. Currently contains over 3,500 titles. Available on the web since August, 2000. Constantly updated.
- Review: Omar Basabe: Memoriales a pura tripa. IFR. 2004.
- “Who Puts the T in Team Work?" Focal Point. January, 2004: 5-6.
"A Day in the Life of a Film-maker's Dog." Focal Point. July, 2003: 10.- The AAU Institutional Award Winners Retreat. Report. Circulated to all AAU Presidents, AVPs, and IDOs. November, 2003.
- "Yellow." St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March, 2004.
- "The Old Man and the C." [Earnest Hummingway] St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March 2004.
- "Teaching Tips." St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives. March 2004.
- “Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Proceedings: 8th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2003 held at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, 2004. xxx-xx. [Peer Reviewed]
- “Building Your CV.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, Fall (2003), x-x.
- “Course Outlines.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, Fall (2003), x-x.
- Institutional Award Winners Retreat Facilitated by Dr. Roger Moore. Report to appear in Proceedings: 7th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 2002 held at University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent UP, 2003.
Readings and Presentations
- Introduction and Closure: His Honour, Herménégilde Chiasson, Lt. Gov. of New Brunswick: The state of the Arts in New Brunswick. Sponsored by the Fredericton Arts Alliance, Gallery '78, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Thursday, 27 May 2004.
- Narrative Matters, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB. 22 May, 2004. "From Birthday Suit (the story) to Birthday Suit (the film)." A 90 minute seminar on a theory of verbal and visual narrative (with Tony Merzetti).
- Participant (by invitation): Le pan de bois: Normandie et Acadie. Ancienne Résidence du Lieutenant Gouverneur du Nouveau Brunswick. 29 avril 2004.
- Introduction and Closure: Mayor's Forum. Organized by the Fredericton Arts Alliance. Monsignor Boyd Family Centre. Fredericton, New Brunswick. Tuesday, 27 April 2004.
- Participant. Creating Digital Video (Workshop). NBFilm Co-op. York Street, Fredericton. Saturday. 24 April 2004.
- Participant. NBFilm Co-op. 25th Anniversary. Capitol: Fredericton, New Brunswick. Friday, 23 April 2004.
- Participant. World Book Day Readings. Old Government House. Fredericton, New Brusnwick. Friday, 23 April 2004.
- Selected Poems. Open mike reading. Annual General Meeting of the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick. Portage Restaurant. Miramichi City. Friday, 16 April 2004.
- Lisa Moore: An Introduction. Banquet: Annual General Meeting of the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick. Rodd Miranmichi River. Miramichi City. Saturday, 17 April 2004.
- Fundy Lines. Poetry reading. Annual General Meeting of the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick. French Fort Cove. Miramichi City. Friday, 16 April 2004.
- Introduction to Writes of Spring and Parsley. Poetry Reading. Writes of Spring. EC103. St. Thomas University. Friday, 19 March 2004.
- Quatre phares sur la route acadienne: L'Honorable Herménégilde Ciasson, Lieutenant- Gouverneur du Nouveau-Brunswick, Mme. Antonine Maillet, Mme. Marguérite Michaud, Msr. Théodore Daigle. Introduction to La Semaine de la Fierté Française. Ted Daigle Auditorium. St. Thomas University. Thursday, 18 March 2004.
- Fundy Lines. Poetry reading. Semaine de la Fierté Française. Ted Daigle Auditorium. St. Thomas University. Thursday, 18 March 2004.
- Though Lovers Be Lost. Poetry reading. Central New Brunswick Welsh Society. St. David's Day Dinner. Monday, 01 March 2004.
- On Being Welsh in a Land Ruled by the English. Poetry reading. Words and Music. Benefit performance for the Fredericton Arts Alliance. Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Friday, 27 February 2004.
- Facilitator: Debriefing of Tidal Wave Film Festival (2003) and Planning for Tidal Wave Film Festival (2004). NB Film Co-Operative. Fredericton. 22 January, 2004.
- “Preparing your Philosophy of Teaching.” Panel member: 3M Award Winner’s Panel. Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase. University College of Cape Breton. Sydney, NS, Saturday, 25 October 2003.
- “Communicative and Poetic Language: An Initiation.” Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase. University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. Saturday, 25 October 2003.
- Facilitator: Institutional Award Winner’s Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. University College of Cape Breton. Friday, 24 October, 2003.
- Suite Ste. Luce, Monet at Giverny, and Villa Iluminativa. Poetry reading / Canada Council (by invitation). Before the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, His Excellency Herménégilde Chiasson. Old Government House. Fredericton, New Brunswick. Thursday, 23 October, 2003.
- Campus Organizer: Translation Day at St. Thomas University. A day of translation seminars with: Robert Dickson, Jonathan Kaplansky, Gérard leblanc, Rose Desprès. Sponsored by the Canada Council, the City of Fredericton, ellipse, and Romance Languages Department, St. Thomas University. Faculty Lounge. St. Thomas University. (Organizers: Jo-Anne Elder, Cecilia Francis, Jeannette Gaudet, and Roger Moore). Wednesday, 22 October 2003.
- CAUT Defence Fund Annual General Meeting. FAUST representative. Regina, Saskatchewan. October, 17-19, 2003.
- Invited Guest: AGM, Saskatchewan Writes Guild, Regina, Sask., 17 October 2003.
- MC and Presenter: Introducing 5 poets (Thomas Smith, Xxxx Xxxx, Lawrence Hutchman, Yvonne Trainer, and Robert Gibbs). Alden Nowlan Literary Festival. Ted Daigle Theatre, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 03 October 2003.
- Villa Purgativa. Poetry reading Canada Council (by invitation). Alden Nowlan Literary Festival. Stepping Stones, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 03 October 2003.
- “Creating the Creative CV.” 2 hour workshop and seminar for the Learning and Teaching Developmnet Committee. Brian Mulroney Hall. St. Thomas University. 20 September 2003.
- “Course Outlines – An Introduction.” 2 hour workshop and seminar for the Learning and Teaching Development Committee. Brian Mulroney Hall. St. Thomas University. 26 August 2003.
Head of Spanish Section
2003-2004 was a good year in which to head the Spanish section. The Spanish Section was finally granted a third tenure track position. and this has been filled via a national competition and on campus interviews.The first seven St. Thomas University students will sit the DELE examination this spring. Dr. Omar Basabe is to be congratulated for the magnificent work he has done in bringing the DELE to St. Thomas University and in preparing these students for this objective international examination.
The Intermediate Spanish Grammar Course (SPAN 2013 / 2023) had 72 students enrolled. We were able to divide this into two sections and hire a part-time faculty member to teach the second section. This alleviated, but did not eliminate, the crowded conditions at the second year grammar level.
The first stage of the complete renewal of the Spanish Section took place this year and the new curriculum moved successfully through the curriculum committee of the department and of the senate. It is still under revision as changes will be necessary due to the presence of a new tenured member. The new program comes into effect as of July 1, 2004.
Committee Work
Member of the Romance Languages Hiring Committee
Work included hiring for contract position in French and one tenure track position in Spanish .Learning and Teaching Development Committee (Chair)
2003-2004 was an extremely busy and effective year for the LTD and Dr. Ray Williams, together with committee members Dr. Linda Turner and Dr. Julia Torrie, and student representative Shawn Stevenson, are to be congratulated on their hard work and commitment to this committee throughout the academic year. Highlights of the committee's work include:
- We saw a renewal of faculty input into Teaching Perspectives as well as a totally different (color) format for the magazine.
- We also saw a commitment to faculty and professional development with “ how to” workshops on course outlines*, curriculum vitae*, teaching portfolio, philosophy of teaching, and annual reports*. (* Offered by LTD Committee Chair).
- Workshop, panel; discussion, and meet and greet where new faculty met Excellence in Teaching Award winners from STU.
- Sponsored workshop on in class discipline (delivered by Nic Plimmer).
- Teaching conversations were continued throughout the year and the presence of students and student representatives was encouraged at these meetings.
- The LTD performed SGIDS in class with 2 professors.
- Celebration of Teaching Excellence. This was held together with the AAU Lecture Tour (Dr. Kate Frego) and saw all the nominees for the STU Excellence in Teaching Award recognized publicly. This included a photo op.
- The categories for the Excellence in Teaching Award at St. Thomas University were redesigned to keep them in line with the AAU and 3M awards.
- A 3 year / five year plan was drawn up and discussed with the AVP for the continued involvement and development of the LTD Committee. This will see, amongst other things, the offering of the ETI at STU next fall and the grooming of selected internal candidates for external awards (AAU and 3M / STLHE).
Senate Nominating Committee
Standard work, appointing committee members in consultation with the AVP.Peer Mentoring
In association with my work as chair of the LTD, I assisted various faculty members with promotion applications [1], Teaching dossiers [3], in class mentoring / SGIDS [1], curriculum vitae, and general developmental advice (12)STLHE (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)
Elected to National Steering Committee of STLHEAtlantic Association of Universities
Reappointed as Retreat facilitator for 2004
Facilitator for the 2003 Award Winners Retreat
Joint Organizer of 2003 Award Winners Retreat
IV. PLANS FOR THE COMING YEAR:My plans for the academic year 2004-2005 are quite simple: to survive another year in my chosen career!
The Spanish Section workload will again be heavy this year and includes
- implementing the new Spanish Curriculum;
- peer mentoring new faculty in Spanish;
- the daily running of the section including time tabling, hiring of part-time faculty, text book orders, teaching and study schedules, hiring of monitors, etc.
- hiring for first and second term courses; nb the second term will be problematic due to the lack of suitably qualified staff at the upper levels of Spanish.
This year I will be teaching the equivalent of three 6 credit hour courses; [*** means new preparation)on account of numbers (new methodology) and or new texts and / or new course.]
Spanish 1006D Beginning Spanish (27 students)***
Spanish 3313 Advanced Reading 1 Spanish Peninsular (12/15 students)
Spanish 3323 Advanced Reading 2 Spanish America (12/15 students)***
Spanish 4023 Spanish Golden Age Culture and texts (10 students) ***
Spanish 3523 Introduction to Translation . (20 students)***ROML 3923 Research Project (Second Term papers -- 3-6 students).
SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVITY:I will be attending very few academic conferences this year as there continues to be minimal financial support for my research from St. Thomas University. I continue to deplore this unfortunate situation.
3M / STLHE, AGM, Ottawa, June, 2004. Steering Committee Meetings and 3M meetings.
Atlantic Association of Universities. 9th Teaching Showcase. Dalhousie University. October, 2004. Panel member or presenter of paper at this conference.
I will again be more involved with creativity and will be working on poetry (either or both of my two new mss. should be published within the next 12 months), films, short stories, digital photography (including the design and construction of a multi-media DVD), and web page construction. There is more external financial support in this area and I remain committed to my growing reputation as a creative artist.Working with 3M / STLHE, the FAA Board, and the NBFilm Coop Board will also keep me occupied. As will work on the various editorial boards (now 4 in total) of which I am a member.
1. Department: work from 2003-2004 continues into 2004-2005.
2. My current research areas are Quevedo, Mexican Poetry (especially Octavio Paz), 20th Century Poetry, scholarship of teaching, film, digital and other forms of creativity.
3. Continuing to establish Spanish Certification at St. Thomas University.
5. Peer mentoring / LTD Work for faculty at St. Thomas University.
6. WebCT Committee and development of WebCT.
7. Senate Nominating Committee.
8. LTD Committee (continuing work with LTD Committee).