This has been another very good year for me. In fact, bringing the honour of the 3M STLHE / Excellence in Teaching Award to St. Thomas University probably makes this one of the most significant and academically rewarding years in my teaching career at St. Thomas.
Highlights of 2000-2001 include:
- 3M / STLHE Excellence in Teaching Award
- Special Merit Award Teaching
- AAU Award Winners Retreat (facilitator), St. Mary’s University, NS
- 3M / STLHE Award Winners Retreat, Chateau Montebello, Quebec
- 3M / STLHE Elected Speaker for Final Address at Award Winners Retreat, Chateau Montebello, Quebec
- Honorary Research Associate, School of Graduate Studies, UNB (renewal)
- The Oaxaca Project. Invitation toteach at UABJO, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Sun and Moon: Poems from Oaxaca, Mexico (Poetry book. 2000)
- Though Lovers Be Lost (Poetry Book. 2000)
A COURSES TAUGHT (2000-2001):
Regular Course Load:
Spanish 1006C -- Beginning Spanish -- Enrollment 32.
Spanish 2013 – Intermediate Grammar 1 Enrollment 37.
Spanish 2023 – Intermediate Grammar 2 Enrollment 22.
Spanish 3413 – Golden Age Theatre 1 Enrollment 7.
Spanish 3423 – Golden Age Theatre 2 Enrollment 7.Unpaid Overload:
Spanish 4936 – Independent Studies
Oaxaca (4 students)
Federico García Lorca (1 student)
St. John of the Cross (1 student)
Spanish Civil War (1 student)
Web Page Design (2 students)
Spanish 4986 – Honours Reading List (1 student).B HONOURS THESES SUPERVISED.
Romance Languages: Bibliography and Methods of Research:
None this year.Interdisciplinary Studies Honours Thesis
Chaired Committee and Directed Thesis: 1 student.
- LTD Officers Meeting. University of Prince Edward Island. 20 April, 2001.
- Graduate Student Association 9th Annual Conference on Student Research. Judge. Wu Conference Centre, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, 15-16 February 2001.
- Selections from Sun and Moon. Poetry Reading at Fredericton Public Library. Saturday, 10 February 2001.
- “Developing the Scholarship of Teaching..” Lunch Time Teaching Series. University of New Brunswick. January, 2001.
- A World Without Art. Poetry reading and book launch. St. Thomas University. World AIDS Day. 1 December 2000.
- 3M / STLHE Elected Speaker for Final Address at Award Winners Retreat, Chateau Montebello, Quebec
- 3M Excellence in Teaching Award Winners Retreat, Chateau Montebello, Quebec, 4-7 November, 2000.
- “Self-Assessment as a Counter Measure to Grade Inflation.” Atlantic Association of Universities, 5th Teaching Showcase, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 27-28 October 2000.
- Award Winners Retreat. Facilitator. Atlantic Association of Universities. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. 27 October 2000.
- "'Para mi intento de ser caballero': An interdisciplinary Approach to the Meaning of the Word Gentleman / Caballero in Quevedo’s Buscón." Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature in Madison, Wisconsin. 21-23 September 2000.
- “Vision and Change in Pablo Picasso’s Early Paintings,” Slide presentation and model lecture for Early Orientation, St. Thomas University, 02 July 2000.
Outside AssessmentOutside Assessor / Judge Graduate Student Association 9th Annual Conference on Student Research, Wu Conference centre, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, 15-16 February 2001.
Outside Assessor: MA Thesis. Comparative Literature. Auckland University. New Zealand.
Outside Assessor: 3 grants: National Endowment for the Humanities and 2 other granting bodies. USA.
Peer Mentoring: In class mentoring and assessment with 3 faculty members at STU plus other mentoring duties with 4 other faculty members.
Being-towards-death (64 prose poems). To be published, summer 2001.
Decent People. 14 Short Stories. 240 pp. (9 published; no timetable for book publication).Academic:
- Quevedo’s PostModernist Buscón. (Academic manuscript in progress. Book: 8 chapters; 160 pp.. Under revision. No final timetable on publication.. 5 articles published and 3 papers read).
- Iterative Thematic Imagery in Spanish Golden Age Literature. (Academic manuscript in progress. Book: 10 chapters, 200 pp., based on published articles dealing with theory of imagery and conceit in Spanish Golden Age poetry, prose, and theatre. No timetable on publication.)
- Quevedo’s Poetic Creativity. (Academic manuscript. In progress. Book. 6-8 Chapters. 200 pages. Based on published articles and unpublished studies dealing with poetic creativity in the autograph and manuscript tradition of selected works by Francisco de Quevedo.)
- A Quevedo Bibliography. (2,500 titles. Available online since August 2000 and now cross listed internationally.)
B. SCHOLARLY AND CREATIVE WORK PUBLISHED (2000-2001)Being-towards-death. (To appear in 2001).
Francisco de Quevedo: An Ongoing Bibliography. A comprehensive working bibliography of Quevedo criticism. Currently contains over 2,500 titles. Available on the web. since August, 2000.
Though Lovers Be Lost. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 67.
Sun and Moon. Poems from Oaxaca, Mexico. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 72.
Proceedings / Actes of the 4th AAU Teaching Showcase held at St. Thomas University, 15-16 October, 1999. Editors Roger Moore and Denise Nevo. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 142.
Peer reviewed articles:
- “Self-Assessment as a Counter Measure to Grade Inflation.” Atlantic Association of Universities, 5th Teaching Showcase, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 27-28 October 2000. (Accepted. To appear in 2001).
- “Through a Distorting Mirror: Elizabeth Bishop’s Translations of Octavio Paz’s Poetry.” Acts of the International Conference on Elizabeth Bishop, Acadia University (to appear in 2001 - joint paper with Dr. Elizabeth McKim).
- “Liberation Theology and Translation Theory in Galdós’s Nazarín.” International Fiction Review 27 (2000): 68-72.
- “Mexico Online: The Creation of a Language Learning Community.” Proceedings: 4th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 1999 held at Fredericton: Saint Thomas University . Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 101-07.
Other Publicly Available Scholarly Work
- “On Student Self-Assessment.” Accepted for Teaching Voices. University of New Brunswick. Fall. 2001.
- “Comedy and the Construction of Community.” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 3 (2001), –
- Report on the Award Winners Retreat. 5th AAU Teaching Showcase. January, 2001.
- “Metaphor and Logic: Some Comments on the Right Brain Left Brain Discussion Regarding Creativity in Translation.” Joint article with Pat Malcomson, St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 2 (2000), 9-12.
- “Report: 4th Teaching Showcase (Atlantic Association of Universities),” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 1 (2000), 12-14.
- “Annual Honours Students Conference: A Proposal,” St. Thomas University Teaching Perspectives, 1 (2000), 19.
- Foreword / Avant-Propos. Proceedings / Actes: 4th Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 1999 held at Fredericton: Saint Thomas University. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Press. 2000. 1-13.
- “Art and Aesthetics.” 60 minute video for the Philosophy Department. UNB. December, 2000.
Chair of the Learning and Teaching Development Committee
Sub-committees includeTeaching Perspectives numbers 2 & 3
Peer Mentoring Proposal
Effective Teaching Institute (December, 2001)
Forums Committee
Joint APC / LTD Workshop Committee
Peer Mentoring Action Group (worked with 7 faculty members)
Course Assessment CommitteeSenate Nominating Committee
Romance Languages Department Committees
Hirings in Romance Languages (French)
Promotion and Tenure Committee (French)New Program in Spanish
Certification in Spanish
Hirings in Spanish section
Awards and Prizes Committee
Chair, Interdisciplinary Honours Thesis CommitteeThe Mexico Steering Group (joint UNB / STU)
The Oaxaca Project (joint chair with George Haley and Hayden Leaman)
International Hispanic ExchangesSociety for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Chair, STLHE Panel Teaching as Process.
3m / STLHE 2000 Group: Chair, St. John’s meeting.
Atlantic Association of Universities
Facilitator for the 2001 Award Winners Retreat
Joint Organizer of 2001 Award Winners RetreatIV. PLANS FOR THE COMING YEAR:
I will be on sabbatical from January 1 to June 30, 2002. My plans for the sabbatical are to take a break and to allow my mind and body to recover; plans are also dependent upon the success and direction that the talks in Oaxaca take (9 -31 May, 2001). Plus, as I stated in my request for leave, I will try and advance one of the mss currently on my desk.
This year I will be teaching the equivalent of three 3 credit hour courses (first term).
Spanish 1006 Beginning Spanish; 2 sections.
Spanish 3413 Introduction to Translation 1.
SCHOLARSHIP:I will be attending conferences this summer and fall, as follows:
- “B for Burnout and C for Coping. the Overcrowded Classroom.” 6th Teaching Showcase. Mount Allison University. Sackville, New Brunswick. 27 October 2001. *** Tentative Topic.
- Facilitator. Award Winners Retreat. Atlantic Association of Universities. 6th Teaching Showcase. Mount Allison University. Sackville. New Brunswick. 27 October 2001.
- “Texts and (Con)Texts: The Teaching of Quevedo’s Miré los muros de la patria mía.” Golden Age Literature Session 1. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. San Francisco. 5-9 July, 2001.
- Chair. Golden Age Literature Session 2. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. San Francisco. 5-9 July, 2001.
- “Teaching as Process.” Organizer and Facilitator of 75 minute panel and workshop. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Memorial University. St. John’s, Newfoundland. June 13-19, 2001.
- “Do the Lunatics Really Run the Asylum When the Students Plan the Class?” Paper for the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Memorial University. St. John’s, Newfoundland. June 13-19, 2001.
- Centro de Idiomas, Universidad Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Faculty Workshops and Invited Classes. 9-31 May, 2001. Details to follow.
- Departmental Review: I am still responsible for preparing the next five year plan for the renewal of the Spanish Section at STU.
- Honorary Research Associate at UNB: This has been renewed and work will be carried into the next academic year.
- The Oaxaca Project: We continue looking for alternate sources of funding and remain committed to the project. In this context, I am to visit Oaxaca from 9-31 May 2001.
- Continuing Research: My three current research areas are Quevedo, Mexican Codices and Mexican Poetry, and Course and Curriculum Development which ties in with Learning and Teaching Development.
- Establishing Spanish Certification at St. Thomas University.
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