Command Forms

The commands in Spanish are complicated by the fact that there are five different ways of saying YOU! That said, the command forms and the present subjunctive of verbs are very closely connected and it is usually well worth while learning them all together. In the following pages, we show the close relationship between the two forms. For now, do not worry about the present subjunctive: we will cover that in second year. However, you are about to use it for the command forms, so you might just as well know how it is formed.

Formation of the present subjunctive

Take the first person singular of the present tense, remove the ending -o, and add the following endings:

-AR verbs

-e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en


Hablar > hablo > habl- >>> hable, hables hable hablemos habléis hablen

-ER and -IR verbs

-a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an


Comer > como > com- >>> coma, comas, coma, comamos, comáis, coman

Verbs that are irregular in the first person singular of the present indicative will be irregular throughout the present subjunctive.


Poner > pongo > pong- >>> ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pongáis, pongan

Tener > tengo > teng- > tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengáis, tengan

Estar, ir, dar, ser, saber are all irregular.

Saber > sé >>> sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

Estar > estoy>>> esté, estés , testé, estemos, estéis, estén

Dar > doy >>> dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den

Ser > soy >>> sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean

Ir > voy >>> vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan

These are not all the irregular verbs. There are many more. You can find some in your text book. Note that there are several excellent verb books available from Indigo / Chapters and, including Bescherelle, Baron’s, and 501 Spanish Verbs. These are easily accessible, highly recommended, extremely useful, and relatively cheap.

Remember that stem changing verbs will usually stem change in the subjunctive too:

Volver > vuelvo >>> vuelva, vuelvas, vuelva, volvamos, volváis, vuelvan.

However, there are several irregularities, in addition to tener (above):

Seguir > sigo >>> siga, sigas, siga, sigamos, sigáis, sigan
Pedir > pido >>> pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan.

Note too spelling changes that occur with the introduction of the vowel -e; for example:

Llegar > llego >>> llegue, llegues, llegue ...
Rogar > ruego >>> ruegue, ruegues, ruegue ...

Buscar > busco >>> busque, busques, busque ...
Acercar > acerco >>> acerque, acerques, acerque ...

I Use of the subjunctive in main clauses

Remember that the subjunctive is also the command form on 8 out of ten occasions.

1. All five negative commands:

No hables tú, no hable Ud., no hablemos nosotros, no habléis vosotros, no hablen Uds.

2. Three positive commands:

Hable Ud., hablemos, and hablen Uds.

3. The two exceptions in the command forms are

Habla tú (verb formed from the third person singular present indicative)

Hablad vosotros (the infinitive [hablar] minus the final -r, add a final -d [hablad]).

II Paradigms for the command forms:

Regular verbs that end in -AR (Example: HABLAR)



Present Subjunctive Negative
yo hablo hable --- ---
hablas hables no hables habla *
Ud. habla hable no hable hable
nosotros hablamos hablemos no hablemos hablemos
vosotros habláis habléis no habléis hablad **
Uds. hablan hablen no hablen hablen

* As was stated above, habla (3rd person singular, present indicative) is irregular.

** Hablad is irregular too (take the infinitive, take off the final -R and add -d.

Regular verbs that end in -ER (Example: COMER)



Present Subjunctive Negative
yo como coma --- ---
comes comas no comas come *
Ud. come coma no coma coma
nosotros comemos comamos no comamos comamos
vosotros coméis comáis no comáis comed **
Uds. comen coman no coman coman

* As was stated above, vive (3rd person singular, present indicative) is irregular.

** Comed is irregular too (take the infinitive, take off the final -R and add -d.

Regular verbs tthat end in -IR (Example: VIVIR)



Present Subjunctive Negative
yo vivo viva --- ---
vives vivas no vivas vive *
Ud. vive viva no viva viva
nosotros vivimos vivamos no vivamos vivamos
vosotros vivís viváis no viváis vivid **
Uds. viven vivan no vivan vivan

* As was stated above, vive (3rd person singular, present indicative) is irregular.

** Vivid is irregular too (take the infinitive, take off the final -R and add -d.

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